Cross-reference: Overview of external messenger comparisons
German links:
28.11.2022 / digitalcourage.de: Kommunikation unter den Bedingungen von Krieg und Flucht in der Ukraine (external)
In cooperation with Digitalcourage e.V. there was an event on 12.05.2020, …
Free messenger systems are mentioned and recommended in the magazine “Deutsche Polizei” (published by the police union):
Article „Sichere Messenger bei der Polizei“ (PDF-file, 3 pages)
Source: https://www.gdp.de/gdp/gdp.nsf/id/dp201908/$file/DP_2019_08.pdf (external; article from page 14)
complete article: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/332950252_Sichere_Messenger_fur_die_Polizei (external)
Alternatives to WhatsApp with advantages and disadvantages: https://digitalcourage.de/digitale-selbstverteidigung/messenger (external)
Interesting and good external media sources on privacy and data protection:
Bakery (Video)
Nice video (with German subtitles) in which a bakery saleswoman behaves just as brazenly (friendly but shamelessly) as many popular apps:
https://yewtu.be/watch?list=RDwHo755bxByI&v=wHo755bxByI (external)
Free ice cream (video)
Threema also has a nice video about this (‘free’ ice cream for payment with data): https://threema.ch/content/video/threema_icecream_en.mp4 (external, English subtitles)
Made to measure (movie and interactive page - very worthwhile)
“Show me your data and I’ll tell you who you are” - a cross-media data experiment makes it impressively clear what insights Google, Facebook & Co. have into our most intimate secrets.
Lots of information and funding: Kulturstiftung des Bundes (external)
Depending on the broadcast date, possibly available in the ARD and SRF media library: Movie (external)
Website: https://www.madetomeasure.online/de/ (external)
Security comparison of messengers and e-mail:
https://www.digitale-gesellschaft.ch/messenger/bewertung.html (external)
From the “Sicherheitshandbuch”:
https://www.privacy-handbuch.de/handbuch_62.htm (external)
„Secure“ messenger:
https://www.kuketz-blog.de/conversations-sicherer-android-messenger/ (external)
Checking programs/apps for “trackers”:
https://reports.exodus-privacy.eu.org/en (external)
Free and open programs for Android:
F-Droid: https://www.f-droid.org (external)
Background information: https://mobilsicher.de/hintergrund/verbraucherfreundlich-f-droid (external)
Free software:
https://fsfe.org/index.de.html (external)
Federation (English “federation”):
Usage/overview of the “fediverse”: https://the-federation.info (external)
Why doesn’t everyone have the same emoji?
http://www.unicode.org/emoji/charts/full-emoji-list.html (extern)